Monday, 14 July 2014

Summer 20214 - Weekend Update (Days Sixtyseven, Sixtyeight, and Sixtynine) - Day Seventy

It's been 10 weeks, can you really blame me if I'm barely writing these days?

Weekend Update

This weekend I didn't do much. Highlight was essentially going shopping at some local thrift shops. Got some really cheap shirts! Only $2!!

I finished reading my Bhimsen book. The ending chapters are admittedly not as fun as the rest of it. In those chapters Bhimsen conveys some major realisations about the truth of the characters.
In grade ten history class I was taught that history is remembered in the view of those who wrote it and the book made it very obvious that the balladeers' story is what we know now - but that the balladeers are entertainers and far from tell the truth. I really respect the Mahabharata for the first time from this book. Too often the two Indian epics have been told with a filter for children, hiding the depth of the many characters and parallel story-lines between them. It is because of that filter that Mahabharata doesn't rival the Odyssey and Hamlet and Beowulf in popularity, a shame.

Day Seventy

The good

  • The app is finally nearing completion. I counted and as of today I have 5 more bugs to fix (that I know of) to be completely finished!
The bad
  • I forgot to take my gym shoes today so I kept a light workout in socks. I prefer shoes. 
The exclusive
  • Weird Al is back! Just in time for Vikram Basude's birthday! He's releasing 8 tracks in the next 8 days! Starting with Tacky. If you can barely get through it don't worry, nor could I! 

Innovating Life