Before I left England on Friday I fell quite sick but I took the long weekend to recover and today I felt totally 100%.
The Good:
- On my trip I didn't have internet connection most of the time. I had my app on my phone and I wanted to show it off to everyone but it kept crashing before it loaded. First day back at work today, I looked the error up and found out that one of the plugins was outdated. It took two minutes to update it and the error was fixed. Too bad I neglected the app's offline mode, that was a really easy fix.
- I went to the gym today for the first time in weeks and boy did it feel awesome hitting the weights. I didn't run very hard, but I still ran at a pretty decent level. Nice solid, light workout. It felt really good. I'm going to take it slower this week and next week I'll go back to taking those intense cardio classes and stuff.
The Bad:
- I still have a lot of work to do on the app and I can sense stress in my future as I try to finish this. Hopefully it'll be fine.
The Exclusive:
- I read an article over the weekend that discussed women's professional sports. Did you know that basketball is one of the only sports women can play professionally? It's supported throughout high school and college (unlike women's football). The reason for the article is because the San Antonio Spurs recently signed the first female assistant coach to a full time position. It's big news but at the same time it isn't. Hooray for progress!
Innovating Life