Sunday, 7 September 2014

University Year 2 #2

So I've officially been in Edmonton a week! Congratulations on one week of exercising basic survival Arjun!

I cooked, I cleaned, I tried to remember how to do integrals, I saw people I knew and I chilled; I bought stuff, paid for other stuff, went for a walk, went to the gym only once but for 2.5 hours and lastly I didn't take many pictures.
(You may or may not be able to see the pictures on Google+, they're exclusive to my circles)

Overall though, it's been a great week!

Getting Sick
This news comes to you as of this morning. I woke up (after sleeping in later than usual) to a sudden displeasure in my throat. After brushing and showering and blowing my nose and gargling with salt water and drinking milk with ground pepper I'm feeling better though. I'm having hot and spicy noodles right now too. Let's see if this persists throughout the week. Disclosure: it probably will.

The Gym
There is nothing like Totum, the gym I went to while I was in Toronto. However, for $30/month public facility, daaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyuuuuuuummmmmm
I ran jogged for 60 minutes! I tucker myself out at around 30 minutes but more because of boredom than incapability. The treadmills in this gym over look some curling lanes so I occupied my mind with music AND watching people practice curling, it was fun. I gave a few of the people nicknames: there was LongStride because every time she curled she would go half the length of the lane before getting up, there was PonyLover because she was younger than the rest and she looked like the type to like ponies, there was BuckTooth because his two front teeth were insane. There were more too.

Slowly slowly getting better.... who am I kidding, I feel like I need to just go crazy and try crazy things instead of trying to play it safe. Maybe I'll keep that in mind this week.

Not a week into school yet (that'll be Tuesday) but I'm really enjoying so far. I've been getting this strange energy from being on campus. It's part the familiarity and my comfort level of the place and part how active it is. I love being extroverted. Hopefully it'll keep up.
My classes are all great. most of the stuff is fairly interesting just from the course description. The trick to school lies in the fact that if you like something you'll do well in it. So I have to try really hard to be super-positive about my course material 24/7 and fake liking it until I actually like it.

We'll see how the next week goes,

Innovating Life