The good:
- I really hope that ugly beady eyed racist Donald Sterling takes the offer. I hate him so much only from a few articles by Bill Simmons. He's a rat that needs to go.
- I think I fixed my bug problems on my app!! I think, I need to do more testing. I believe it was because the app was trying to load too much non-hardcoded data from external servers at the same time. I'm in the process of breaking it up the data into smaller bytes (see what I did there), maybe that'll fix the problem.
- So they say Joel Embiid is a 7 foot Serge Ibaka. I didn't really understand that comment until this video. (Maybe this should be in the bad section since there is no chance the Celtics get Joel Embiid)
The bad:
- Apparently Maleficent isn't very good. Looks like I'm in for a fit this Saturday!!
The ugly:
- Donald Sterling and his face. Just ew.
No pictures again today. I was exploring PATH and I knew I'd find something cool so I wasn't worried about taking pictures but then I got so lost that I started to worry and forgot about taking pictures. I really need a map of the place.
Here are some cool PATH facts (it rivals West Edmonton Mall in size!!
And below is PATH
So my work is somewhere near the number 13 on the left side. This image is horrible and I can't read any of the streets but I assume Union Station is where the blank gap is South of Front St. and North of the Expressway. Fastest way is diagonally but today I went East on Adelaide and came out at the intersection of King and University Ave. I had been more East than that but it's really confusing down there and I ended up back tracking to get out. I should look at the compass on my phone next time. And get a higher resolution image too.
Innovating Life