Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Summer 2014 - Day Twentythree

I don't know how it can be so cloudy but not rain. 

The good: 
  • Dots man. Dots. I'm obsessed with that game. 
  • I came up with a new plan at the gym to keep pushing myself. I'm going to run for approximately 20 minutes and in that time I have to burn 250 calories (not counting cooldown). Each week that number will increase by 50 calories. Wonder how that'll work out. Here's my run data from today. 
  • Tickets to Maleficent this weekend bought! This movie better be good. I'm going to have a fit if the raven turns into the dragon instead Maleficent herself. Also going to have a fit if they reveal that the truth is that Maleficent really is the victim. 
The bad: 
  • I need more workout music. 
  • My triceps are weaker than I thought....
  • I need a larger variety of pants. 
The ugly:
  • There's this report that the LA Lakers want Aaron Gordon, AINGE MAKE SURE THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN. On a side note it looks like I want Aaron Gordon with the 6th pick and we'll see who's there at 17. I like a number of guys.
Past two days I didn't get pictures so I got something special today. There is this underground complex in downtown TO that is called PATH. It's basically an underground shopping mall that connects a lot of the bigger buildings (banks) downtown. There are two food courts, a parking lot and a lot of other shopping stores. I've been exploring (read: getting lost) PATH over the past few days and today I found a gold mine under the CBC building. 

It's a mini museum featuring the history of CBC and the rest of Canadian broadcasting. There are some really old stuff down there. (Nothing special honestly, but cool nonetheless.)

Innovating Life