Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Summer 2014 - Day Twentytwo

I have dreams about Joel Embiid somehow coming to the Celtics. sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The good:

  • I did back yesterday at the gym and my back muscles have been growing since. It feels awesome. I decided that I need to up the weights to get that feeling for my arms and chest. Let's see how that'll work. 
  • Got Ajjoba interested in the gym. He went the past few days but he's "starting out slow" so I don't think he's actually doing much there. I told him to go into the swimming pool and just walk in circles. Wonder what his feedback will be on that if/when he finally does it. 
  • Frozen keeps making boxoffice strides! It's passed IronMan3 to become the biggest movie released in 2013, pushing it to 5th for the highest grossing movie all-time! I really hope this is the start of Disney's second renaissance.
  • A university bud called me today, good to speak with him. 
  • Installed and started playing mobile app game "Dots", wonder how it'll help me connect life's dots?
The bad: 
  • X-men didn't make $100million, in fact it made less than Godzilla. Just shocking. That movie is fantastic. 
  • The bug I was working on in my app has won. I have given up on it till further notice. 
  • It rained today, hard. Apparently it was hail-like. Good thing I wasn't outside to witness. 
The ugly: 
  • The new girl at work (started yesterday) got stuck in the elevator today! Welcome to Forth Dimension Julia!
I forgot to take pictures again today, I need to start getting more creative with it then. That's another thing to think about. 

Innovating Life