Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Summer 2014 - Day Fortyfour

I should have taken a picture. As I was walking to work today my shadow in front of me was vivid and dark. And also spotted with rain drops. The sun was so incredibly bright but it was still raining. The clouds were thin enough to let a lot of light through but still perspired. It was an interesting sight, poetic even. So naturally I Googled it.

I knew that it meant a cleansing of negativity and emotional baggage to start down a new path (there was similar weather on my cousins wedding day last year) but other than that nothing concrete about it. And all the pessimists in the room say I told you so.

I'm not immediately assuming that today's weather was for me, it could have been for everyone or no one - just the worlds way of picking up our spirits in the humid stickiness that is the summer here. But it's curious that the world would do such a thing the morning after I blog about being right in the middle of my summer. Schedule-wise there isn't anything pointing to something new.  Although I always believed (and I think I mentioned this in one of my New Year blogs) that one shouldn't wait on a schedule to approach a new mindset, and here's where the thoughts comes out.

Recently I've attempted to use (some may argue waste) my brain power on figuring other people out. Since once you understand people better, ... you can do something??
As you can see I didn't really have it figured out, I became too caught up on people's flaws and that negativity brought out my frustration. I have an engineering mindset so I like when things work like a machine, well balanced and active yet peaceful and dutiful. However not all people work like machines, we have flaws and contradictions. Getting so caught up in it (for no real reason at that) just made me frustrated and angry.

I need to learn to not get emotionally attached to how people work after I figure them out. I need to learn to stop trying to figure people out and start trying to grow myself instead. I need to learn how to see things, acknowledge it, and then let go of it; to let people and their lives be lived by themselves.

So in regards to the bright showers today, thanks world, for your blessing.

Innovating Life