The good:
- There's a mirror in the bathroom so every morning I get to see my belly before I hop into the shower. And today my belly didn't look like a pot! Or a bowl! Or even a platter! It looked like a dinner plate. Now just to get it to a breakfast plate.
- Tomorrow I finally start something new at work. I get to work on connecting a new database to my app. Microsoft Azure. So glad to be heading back to straight on learning.
The bad:
- I badly need to drink more water.
The ugly:
- I need to whiten my teeth. I don't know what it is. I brush well everyday and my teeth look like they've come from the shiner. But they just don't shine white.
Pictures of the Day,
I again had to go to Ming Wireless to drop of a coworkers iPhone but I took a different route and look what I found!
Initially I took the photo to the left. I loved the way the CN Tower (which again, you can see from everywhere) hid in the clouds and behind such an interesting looking building. Naturally I went to the building to see what it was and that's where the second shot comes from. The building is part of a university of art and design called OCAD. That stands for Ontario College of Art and Design. The campus only takes up the same amount of space as two buildings so it's really small, but it seemed to have a few floors in the air and the ground too. One thing is for sure: it looks like a really cool place to be.
Innovating Life