The good:
- My gym session was pretty solid. I was so tired that I couldn't keep up the pace on my run so I stopped early and did some stairs instead. Got a real good sweat and plus a leg workout (I've been skipping leg day for forever). I've been switching between pushups&crunches and back&arms and today was a pushups and crunches day. That always feels solid well after I finish it (still feels good now). Then I had a little more time left and the squatting bar was open so I put 20lbs on there and did 20 squats. I should have done another rep or two but it was good anyway.
- Made more progress in my app. I'm working on performance so I'm essentially redoing a lot of sections in the app with code that's doesn't require as much loading. As I explained yesterday, angular's directive ng-repeat (creates a list) lags hard for large lists. This is because Angular looks at each list item individually to give it all it needs instead of just taking things quickly. Thanks for taking the time angular but no thanks. So today I basically did the same thing as yesterday except with the added difficulty that I had to parse the json file where all the data is. A json file is essentially file to store all the data and to parse it means to manipulate the data as it comes to make it more useful. The internet failed me on this one because it led me to all these parsing functions that don't do anything at all for what I needed. That's because parse has two definitions. So after three hours of wasting time, I finally consulted my supervisor and he told me what I really had to do. After that it was fun because I was basically hacking the data to get what I wanted.
The bad:
- The sleep that I lost last night ... I never made up. I slept on the train (like a rock) both ways and I nearly slept at work too. I think I'm going to finally use some of my Tim's card tomorrow if I'm tired again.
- It was rainy and wet everywhere all day today. #badweather
- When Ajjoba tries to assume what you're talking about in a conversation. It's just bad.
The ugly:
- Your phone relative to mine because mine is mahogany.
Innovating Life