Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Summer 2014 - Day Thirtysix

I should have been in bed an hour ago. I guess this is turning into one of those weeks.

The good:
Dbrand skin came in!! This completes my phone! I can't believe how awesome and excited I am for a simple skin, check out these pictures.


  • Gah its gorgeous. 
The bad: 
  • I need to go to bed. 
The good: 
  • ^ yeah I just wrote good twice....
The ugly: 
  • I boosted the performance in one section of my app (switching views with large lists and data binding) because Angularjs loses major performance when ng-repeat is used with a long json of items and loses additional performance when each item in items uses Angulars two-way data binding (especially more than once). SOOO to fix it I hide the items using ng-show and ng-hide and used css I found on the internet to make it look like a dropdown list. BUTTT ng-show and ng-hide still load all the data upon entering the view so it didn't help the performance issue. SOOOO I had to change to ng-if, which will only load the data if called upon, thus the app doesn't have to load everything at once thus doesn't lag the performance. The problem with ng-if was that the same css I used for ng-show and ng-hide doesn't apply. So I spent the entire day hacking css to make it look like a nice accordion dropdown list. trying to use Angular's horribly written Documentation on ng-if and animation. Eventually I found the solution using ng-enter and ng-leave. It. Took. All. Day. But at least it only took one day instead of more than that. 
And I leave you with this awesome video from dbrand to help me put my skin on the phone. It should be noted that Ajjima (grandma to any of you that don't know) thought the video was "fun" and thought the girl in the video had "nice hands, and nice nailpolish, very attractive hands". Good job dbrand girl, you have my grandmothers approval. Continue with your good hand hygiene.

Innovating Life, 