Monday, 16 June 2014

Summer 2014 - Weekend Update (Days Thirtynine, Forty, Fortyone) - Day Fortytwo

Happy - Pharrell. 

  • Honestly don't remember much
  • Went to the local highschool and played some basketball in the dark all by myself. It really does feel good. 
  • Watched Runner Runner - what a good movie. Not great, but good. 

  • I had a pretty rad three way chat with some pretty rad friends of mine who I'll be living with next year. Shout out to Colson and Mackenzie!
  • Some family friends of ours picked me up and I spent the night with them in Oakville. Their two little boys are my brothers till the end. Excellent time with them. 
  • Also it was happy fathers day so I called and naturally dad was sleeping. 
  • After being dropped off back home, Ajjima Ajjoba and I went for dinner to my cousin-in-law's parent's place. Wow the food there was so good and heavy we were all falling asleep on the couch. 
Pretty lax weekend if you ask me, fun and lax. 

Day Fortytwo

The good: 
  • Today was a really good day. It rained in the morning but it brightened up afterwards. I became really tired at around 4 after I came back from the gym but when I was walking to the train station I felt lighter. I wonder why (actually I know but it's an undeveloped story) 
  • I'm not going to say much else because it's not in the mood if you know what I mean. so instead: 
    • Link Bubble (really nice android app) got updated today and is 50% off, I can finally get it with my Google Opinion Rewards money. 
    • The Verge is the most solid news site. So solid. 
    • Congratulations San Antonio Spurs! You deserved it for your great play, but to be honest your opponent was beaten in game three. 
    • 10 more days until NBA Draft. I'm a little excited and a little nervous! 
    • I realised a few weeks ago that I like slimmer fitting shirts. But I've been failing to be able to described  it until today. I like shirts with a slim fit bust. I must sound like a girl hahahaha
Anger is bad, but if it's what keeps the engine from stalling do you still use it?
 Innovating Life