- After work I took the train to Richmond Hill where I met up with some family friends who used to live in Regina five years ago. So many memories with them. Their son and daughter grew so much. Thinking about those times made us think about how much has changed since then. Five years ago I didn't even start high school yet!! Five years ago the young daughter was so small she didn't even have a personality that I can remember!!
- That evening we watched the Indian movie "The Lunchbox". And honestly I couldn't understand it. It was beautiful screen writing though, excellent storytelling. But I think the subject matter was a little too old for me to understand. Both of the main characters were far older than I was and had already dealt with more life than me. Marriage, death, age. I couldn't relate.
- In the morning I went biking with the son and we played basketball and soccer at a nearby park. Biking felt so good, I haven't gone biking like that since forever. Richmond Hill has so many trees and the path we took to the park had us travel through trees so thick it was like I was biking in the forest again.
- Leaving their place I had to promise that I'd come back one more time.
- They dropped me off at my uncle's place nearby and we drove downtown to see China town and the city. And wow.
- You can find the pictures on my Toronto album on Google+, links below. But just wow.
- Everything is China town is so cheap and pretty nice. Unfortunately all the clothes I tried on were too small. Nothing was long enough to cover my arms and some of the stuff didn't even cover my entire back!
- After a few hours we went over to my cousins place where 13 of us were jammed in their small apartment. I may make it sound bad but I really enjoyed it. I love it because then no one can hide away, everyone is close by and we can all enjoy each others company.
- After we left Ajjima told me that Nupur and Sam and I were the "life of the party" - maybe that's why I enjoyed so much Hahahahaha
- After dinner we went for a walk to Eaton Center and I COULD HAVE STOOD THERE ALL NIGHT!
- I was so tired from the past two days (and the whole week) (and strangely I woke up early) that I was a little (overstatement?) loud and cranky in the morning and I slept the whole afternoon. In different positions nonetheless. First on the couch, then I slid to the floor and fell asleep facing down on my hands, then I woke up because I was crushing my hands so I fell asleep again on my back like a log. Ajjoba was so confused how I moved so much (he didn't see me wake up in between so he thought I was sleeping the whole time).
Day Fortynine
I always remember what day Monday's are because it's a multiple of 7, here's to starting my 7th week!
The good:
- The free trial of Google Play Music All Access is treating me well! Pharrell's G I R L (album) is the happiest and smoothest musical start to my day I've had in a long while.
- Finally finished with Azure at work. I've updated it so that the app grabs all the data from Azure instead of Firebase. It was a huge problem for me because Azure runs asynchronously and my app is very linear. So when I needed Azure values that weren't ready yet it was extremely frustrating. I got around those though and I'm going to have to come up with more elegant solutions that I put in already. I was thinking about a loading wheel. The bad thing about the app currently (and when it was on firebase) is that without internet access there is no getting the data. I'm going to have to save ALL the data to local storage and take it from there when the user is offline to better the UX.
- Somehow old Rihanna's Pon de Replay came to me this morning, Google Play Music All Access free trail again to the rescue. Been in my head all day since.
The bad:
- It rained and I wasn't ready for it.
- I failed at the gym today.....
- I ate so much food on the weekend, every weekend, that whatever I do during the week is totally lost. So new plan is that on Tuesdays and Thursdays I run for extra longer!
The exclusive:
- I decided that "the ugly" lacks in value too often and that it's negative so to have for no reason is pointless. So today I'm introducing "The exclusive" where you will get to see some cool and in the namesake of this blog, innovative stuff.
- Today is Vapor Path's new coffee lid, the Viora.
The Viora is designed to reduce spillage while also increasing the taste of your coffee by allowing it's smell to better enhance your drinking experience. Hooray for INNOVATION! You can find out more from the Verge's A REDESIGNED COFFEE LID THAT TOTALLY CHANGES THE DRINKING EXPERIENCE
Also new, no more pictures on the blog! I realised that I keep everything on the blog and nothing is exclusive to Google+ so all pictures that are referenced here can be found there!
Innovating Life