Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Summer 2014 - Day Sixtyfive

After such a short week last week, this week feels like it's taking forever. It's only Wednesday but it feels like the weekend should be here sooner.

The good: 

  • I finally figured out the search feature in my app. It just took a little bit of clear-minded thinking. Now I'm working on a feedback feature, which I want to be finished by Friday but I should be able to finish it tomorrow. I finally feel confident in my ability to use Angular.js and Ionic now. All the past programming I've done never required research. The logic and features were always mostly proved for em and I just had to implement. This has been a very valuable learning experience. 
  • The fitness class I went to today was not nearly as bad as yesterday. We didn't do as many squats and the instructor today was the boxing trainer so he had us using the skipping rope before starting, which warmed my sore muscles up and made the workout feel a lot better. 
  • As I was walking to the train station after work I noticed something odd. There were a lot of people, dressed up walking the opposite direction. And when I say dressed up I mean done up. Hair done, nails done everything big. So fancy. I looked up what was happening in the city tonight and low-and-behold, tonight the On the Run concert is in TO. That's Beyonce and Jay-Z together. Coming from such a small place that doesn't typically get concerts and that I don't know people here that would keep me in the know about such things, I was totally surprised at the experience those people I passed looked like they were in for. I should try to go to one. 
The bad: 
  • I'm starting to get excited about my upcoming Europe trip. It's too soon to get excited, it's still weeks away! I don't want to hype myself out of enjoying the moment. 
The exclusive:
  • Today the Celtics traded for Tyler Zeller and Marcus Thorton. The move puts us in a position to increase our salary cap room next summer as well as gets us a legit 7 footer (not good enough though, Tyler Zeller isn't the rim protector we want). We used our trade exception in the deal that's big headline is that it gives the Cavs cap room to sign Lebron. Bill Simmons tweeted that the deal only happened today because we weren't able to find anything better for our trade exception. At least we used it on something. 
Innovating Life