Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Summer 2014 - Day Sixtyfour

Today it rained and poured. For hours. So I naturally played this song. It's so cheesy though that I had to turn it off halfway.

The Good

  • I was finally able to implement a scroll feature in the app. Remember those accordion menu items? So now, when you click them, it scrolls to the top of the page. This took forever to implement because I was reading the documentation wrong. I swear the documentation for all these frameworks is so bad. Sometimes I feel like going and redoing them, because really they're the only way to learn the stuff. 
  • I went to the Fitness Class at the gym and I can still feel my body's metabolism going crazy. That workout was so good for me, except for while it was going on. I was nearly dying. We did so many squats and mountain-climbers and various ab stuff. AHHHHHH 

The Bad

  • The next thing on my app is a Search Function that searches through all the events. But it too is weird and has been really frustrating me. 

The Exclusive

  • I think I blogged about them before, there's a music group in the UK which takes underground dance beats and sings to them. They put out good songs and today I found their newest one. Dance On My Own. I could dance to that beat all day.
I'm off to read more Bhimsen. 

Innovating Life