Weekend Update
I don't even know what day is what. I can't remember what I did when. Days Fiftythree to Day Fiftyfive are nearly lost.
Just know I played some basketball and watched some movies! Including Pretty Woman, Blue Jasmine, You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger, and X-Men Origins: Wolverine. There was a theme there, and then Wolverine killed it.
I'm putting Monday in my Weekend Recap even though it's technically not the weekend and I even went to work on Monday.
On Monday I finally got more instruction on my app! I have so much to do now! I have to add a bunch of features and fix a bunch of stuff. And now I'm working with other people in the office too so I'm not outcast in a corner of the office anymore!
There isn't anything really significantly new that I have to do, a lot of the same stuff really: adding plugins, reformatting JSON data files (the worst), and stuff like that. It'll take me the next while.
Monday night was like a Friday! Ajjima and I watched Kismat Konnection (Fate's Connection) . I always watch the beginning of this movie and then ditch. That happened again and I ditched to cut my hair. I cut it so short that it's more like long stubble than short hair in the back and sides. And the front is so short that when I habitually ran my fingers through it I got the feeling of baldness!! But don't worry mom, it looks good! And I'm pretty sure some of the girls at work thought it was 'cute' though that's just what I inferred from how they exclaimed their observation of my haircut hahahaha!
Tuesday was CANADA DAY! Happy Birthday Canada. Canada is awesome and I'm so proud to be Canadian even though I realised that Canada doesn't do awesome stuff globally anymore like we used to in the Lester B Pearson and Pierre Trueau days. And even though we are soon going to be in desperate need of another political "Act" due to our completely different demographic. The last time our political system changed was in 1982, when Britain surrendered the power to make laws affecting Canada. That was 32 years ago!! (No Internet back then) Times-a-changing!
We didn't do much yesterday but it was enjoyable. We went shopping in Markham (which is a completely Asian community). The good thing about shopping at nice Asians stores is that all the clothes are so nice! The bad thing about shopping at nice Asian stores is that all the clothes are so expensive! The ugly thing about shopping at nice Asian stores is that all the clothes are sooooo smallll.
There was this really nice, high end Korean suit store we found. Such nice shirts! But they were $120! And the shirt that looked like it would fit me said XXXL! I don't even know why.
We went and ate food at an Indian Buffet place called Taste of India! And wow that place was BOUNCING! It was completely packed full and there were so many Asians! I have never seen so many Asian people at once in one room in a restaurant. I'll give them this though, they came for good food, and they got REALLY good food. I ate so much I felt like I was going to explode!
When we were driving back home from Markham at around 10pm, there were so many people lighting up fireworks! (So many for North America, the amount of fireworks yesterday had nothing on the amount in India on Diwali) Apparently it is not illegal for you to light your own fireworks (the small kind) if you light it over a 'field'. It was really pretty driving because every minute there would be lights coming from different locations.
If I include Monday and Tuesday in my Weekend Recap, then it was a pretty awesome weekend, but it was dead boring on Sunday and Saturday though.
Day Fiftyeight!
The good:
- I was so stuffed from the previous night that I had trouble with breakfast and I had to go twice! TMI? This is Innovating Life, that's what you get! :P
- At the gym today I had the greatest workout in a while! Since I missed my Tuesday 30 minute run I did it today. I was supposed to increase the incline to 1.5% or 2% but I did 3% instead and I burned 387 calories! Then I went to the weights side and I got to do squats! Ohhhhh the burn!! My hamstring is feeling it still. I love it!
The bad:
- Of course the bad is really just a good that wasn't really that good. I spent the entire day reformatting this gigantic JSON Object for my app and it was such a grueling process! I think I've explained JSON Objects on Innovating Life before but again, a JSON Object is basically a really nice way to store data. They use the key and value method to store data (which basically is the data (the value) and a name for it (it's key) where the value can be pretty much anything including another JSON Object. The bad thing about them is that they're pretty annoying to modify especially if you have a huge Object with a lot of keys, which naturally was the case for me. By the end of the day I successfully modified the data but when I was getting the app to read it, it wasn't reading it properly so I have to go back to it tomorrow.
The exclusive:
- I don't really have any nice exclusive but I don't have a nice ugly either and mediocre exclusive > mediocre ugly. So the exclusive is supposed to be an inside look into what I find interesting, and right now that is....
- Avery Bradley signed a new contract with the Boston Celtics. We drafted Bradley four years ago and now he's 23 years old and he's still improving! He improved his consistency on his jump shot last season but his range was still midrange. Towards the end of the year his range grew to the three point line and I bet this next season he'll be lethal from there as well. His real shine is defensively where he's one of the ten best defensive players in the NBA!
- Resigning him means we'll keep a guard rotation of Bradley, Smart and Rondo. Bradley and Smart are insane physical defenders that can create lots of turnovers and Rondo is really good at playing passing lanes. I'm going to be looking for a very strong forced turnover rate from our defense this season! On the offensive side, between the three of them we have it all: shooting, slashing, driving, and passing. Our rebuilding is going really well.
See how I used three bullet points for one exclusive? TEEHEE
Innovating Life