Weekend Update
- I was about to blog when the doorbell rang....
- The wind blew. Or at least it felt like it did. I wasn't wearing pants at the time.
- Ajjima got up at quickly went to attend the door, mentioning her guess that it was the the neighbor.
- I remained seated on the couch, with no where to go without my pants.
- Then Ajjima shrieked.
- And I heard Aneeta Akka's familiar voice and all concerns about my pants went away.
- Aneeta Akka and Alea popped in for a surprise visit for the long weekend and after they came I didn't feel like blogging much.
- At work I finally implemented one of the last features on my list (at the time)
- It was actually I feature I already did but I had to redo. To save performance I have all the events schedules broken down by the starting time of the event, in what looks like a list drop-down folders but is actually a list of items that when clicked make more list items appear. The problem with my old setup was that you couldn't have two of these drop-down folders opened at the same time and if you navigated away from the list and came back the app would close the folder so you tediously had to open it again. To solve the problem I reconfigured the way the app handles the data into a single larger JSON object instead of multiple smaller ones. The object as five objects in it, one for each day of the conference, and in each of them are more objects separating the events into what time they start at. In those objects are the objects with the event data in them. After I reconfigured, I re-did the way the data was displayed to accommodate the new format (shortening my code immensely - I now have an ngRepeat inside an ngRepeat inside another ngRepeat) Then I took a break to the bathroom where I thought to use ngModel and input checkboxes for the drop-down folders so that I could keep all of them in check. Brilliant!
- After work Dru and I went to Hot Pot, a Chinese restaurant similar to Mongolian Grill style similar to Mongolian Grill and Korean BBQ except with a pot of boiling water to cook the food.
- There Dru bought me my first beer. (So ceremonial right) At first I had it without the lime that came with it, and it was so bitter that I left it for a while. In the end I didn't mind it as much but the aftertaste it left was no good at all.
- I bought tickets for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes because I was so excited to see that movie, but I didn't realise that it doesn't come out till next weekend, so when Dru, Deepthi and I went into the theater and the ticket-ripper ripped our tickets for next week we had to exchange the tickets.
- For Transformers. Which wasn't that great, but was generally okay. Dru Bhaiya loved it because he was a fan when he was a kid, Deepthi Bhabi hated it because she doesn't care for action and this movie didn't have anything else but. I was in the middle, didn't mind it but didn't totally get it either.
- Regardless I like spending time with Dru and Deepthi, it's just so enjoyable.
- I checked the bus schedule on Google Maps and planned a route to Richmond Hill to visit my family friends out there. But while checking the different schedule options, I left the house with my phone showing the wrong one.
- So I got on a bus at 1:45 planning to get at Richmond Hill at 3. Both schedules had three legs of the journey and the first leg of both of them was the same. So after reaching the first stop I waited for the second bus, the bus I was supposed to catch came and went and the bus on the wrong schedule didn't show up (because it was a Saturday). Luckily there was a Tim's nearby with free wifi so I got to sip lemonade and regroup. But that didn't stop the next two buses from being late! Finally I reached at 4:30. An hour and a half later than I planned.
- The little daughters 6th birthday party had already started. It was princess and superhero themed so there were 12 tiny, adorable princesses and 2 tiny, adorable superheros. Naturally the kids went crazy so I turned into a supervillan and chased them, and caught them, and tickled them. Muahahahhaha
- I was staying the night so in the evening we went to the theater and watched Transformers.... again....
- And the second viewing was a big mistake. I should have went into another theater. That movie was actually so bad. I couldn't keep my eyes open.
- Before I end Saturday I should mention how much junk food I ate. So much Pizza at the party, Chicken strips for snack before going to the movie, popcorn at the movie, I swear I gained so much weight.
- After being dropped off to my Uncle and Aunty's house nearby late the next morning. We went to the theater to watch another movie!! HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON TWO WAS TOTALLY WICKED!!
- There's that super awkward moment in the beginning with Hiccup and Astrid. Who talks like that..... So awkward. But everything else was really well done. Naturally Toothless went HAM at the end (dat monopoly doe) and officially sealed the movie as awesome.
- Nupur fell asleep twice. I don't even know.
- After we had early dinner, BBQ at Maduri Aunty's. It was early so that we could leave early and get ready for the next day.
- Upon coming come, I needed something to do so I finally opened the copy of BHIMSEN by Prem Panicker. It's an awesome read about Bheem as a kid growing up, telling the epic story from his view.
Day Sixtythree
Oh boy it's getting late. I had an awesome weekend.
And I was so tired today because of it. I was lethargic at work and at the gym where I decided that I'm going to switch up my routine for more interesting stuff. So tomorrow and Wednesday I'm going early and I'll be participating in a Fitness Cardio Class. It'll be similar to Insanity. This way I'll burn more calories and the class environment/trainer will push me harder.
To combat the tiredness I had to go to Tim's and it did the trick really well.
On the app I began to implement a search feature and after my super slow lethargic start I finally put it in just to realise that it doesn't work very well. When I searched for one of the speakers, only of his events showed up!! That's huge. So I installed another one, but it wasn't without problems. I think I'll leave this one for a while.
Gotta go, peace!
Innovating Life